Beauty Of Joseon Red Bean Duo [ Beauty Of Joseon Red Bean Water Gel + Beauty Of Joseon Red Bean Refreshing Pore Mask ]
Beauty Of Joseon Red Bean Water Gel - As we become older, our skin produces less oil and moisture, which makes it easier for wrinkles to develop. Additionally, our skin secretes more sebum than usual to defend itself when skin moisture levels are low. As a result, when there is insufficient moisture, the amount of oil increases, increasing the likelihood of inflammatory skin conditions. Therefore, maintaining the skin's natural oil-water balance is crucial for good skin.
Beauty Of Joseon Red Bean Refreshing Pore Mask - Sebum leaves our skin through the pores of our skin. These channels become clogged with extra sebum and dead skin cells, which enlarges the pores. For pore care, you must wash away the collected sebum and waste, lower the skin's temperature, and remove dead skin cells from the pores.
(1) Beauty Of Joseon Red Bean Water Gel
(1) Beauty Of Joseon Red Bean Refreshing Pore Mask
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