Missha Hot Burning Body Gel
This one-of-a-kind product is intended to improve your body care regimen by targeting areas of concern, resulting in a more sculpted and refined silhouette. It is ideal for use on the upper arms, stomach, waist, hips, and thighs and takes advantage of the natural benefits of seaweed and bitter orange extract. These vital ingredients combine to provide a chilly sensation that progressively heats up upon application, resulting in a dual-action experience that seeks to improve the skin's appearance and texture.
Before applying the gel, make sure your skin is thoroughly dried with a towel. Massage the gel into the areas you want in a circular motion to ensure complete absorption. To avoid irritation, wash your hands promptly after use. To get the best results, don't shower or apply warm water to the treated areas for an hour after application. For maximum benefits, add it into your morning and night routines for at least three weeks, along with exercise.